Other activities
- Past teaching (see CV)
- Since 2020, course on "Categories, Concepts, and Issues in Migration" (with François Héran) in the Master’s Degree on International Migration, EHESS, Panthéon Sorbonne University and Institut Convergences Migrations (12 hours per year).
- Since 2017, course "Who Are the Migrants Who Live in France?," training for health professionals, University Degree on Migrants’ Health, Universities of Paris 13, Paris 5, & Paris 7 (3 hours per year).
Ongoing Projects
- Survey:
- Co-PI of the Trajectoires et Origines 2 (TeO2) survey, with Cris Beauchemin and Patrick Simon.
- Research projects:
- Principal Investigator of the ANR-funded 3GEN project on social mobility across three generations in immigrant and native families.
- Member of the French team in the European Lifecycle project funded by the H2020 framework, with Lidia Panico (INED) and INSERM.
- Member of the project "Chinese Immigrants in the Paris Region" (ChIPRe), funded by ANR. PI: Isabelle Attanée (Ined).
- Member of the French team of "Life Course Dynamics of Educational Tracking" (LIFETRACK) project, with Carlo Barone (Sciences Po) and Louis-André Vallet (CNRS-Sciences Po), funded by NORFACE – DIAL. PI: Steffen Schindler (University of Bamberg).